June 2, 2023

The brother of Sen. Tommy Tuberville (AL-R) took to Facebook to say that he's distancing himself from his sibling, and he added that he doesn't want people to confuse him with his brother. Tulsa-based musician Charles Tuberville did not hold back.

"I'll try and make this brief," he wrote. "As some of you know, my brother Tommy Tuberville is the senior U.S. Senator from the state of Alabama elected in 2021."

"Due to recent statements by him promoting racial stereotypes, white nationalism, and other various controversial topics, I feel compelled to distance myself from his ignorant, hateful rants," he continued. "What I'm trying to say is that I DO NOT agree with any of the vile rhetoric coming out of his mouth. "

"Please don't confuse my brother with me," he added. "Thanks, Charles Tuberville"

In May, the Alabama Republican was asked, "Do you believe they should allow white nationalists in the military?"

"Well, they call them that. I call them Americans," Tuberville replied.

He tried to walk that back, but it didn't go down well.

This isn't unprecedented. Rep. Paul Gosar's siblings find him so detestable that they cut an ad for his Democratic opponent in 2018.

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