Weirdo Megyn Kelly interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 'Democrat' running for the Presidential nomination. It won't happen, but he's pretending that he has a chance. People like Megyn Kelly are propping him up as if nothing is abnormal or batshit crazy about the guy. And further confirming that he's in the wrong party, Trump has said that he respects RFK Jr. He's also called Trump supporters "the core of our country."
On Tuesday, he fondly thought of the olden days when parents could whack their kids without facing the consequences.
"It's taking me back to our first interview where you talked about how you were raised," Kelly said. You had to read the articles in the newspaper. You had to outline them. You had to be ready to defend the points for and against."
"And I'm sure your kids have that too," she continued. So it's part of the Kennedy lore, and it's part of the inspiration even. I've been trying to do that kind of thing with my own kids since our last chat with less success than I would like, but maybe that's a good thing."
"It's harder to do it with the kids today because, I don't know, maybe it's because your parents used to be able to whack you if you didn't do the right thing," RFK Jr. said.
"You can't really do that anymore or something," he added. "I don't know what it is, but the kids today are harder too."
Here's another red flag:
RFK Jr. listed 37 women in a diary that he had extramarital encounters with and a number corresponding to the sexual act. Kennedy's wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, committed suicide after finding the journal.