GOP Activist Who Couldn't Wait For RBG To Die Shoots Wife, Kills Self
Credit: Facebook
October 14, 2023

Political activist Steven Alembik was identified as the man who shot his wife twice. He then turned the gun on himself in a West Delray Beach, Florida, BurgerFi parking lot earlier this week. Political attention-seeker and whacko Laura Loomer is mourning his death. Fun fact: Alembik first received national attention after he tweeted that "Ruth Bader Ginsburg can't die soon enough," and of course, now he's dead.

I'm not reveling in the fact he died (well, that's a lie), but he did call our country's only Black President, Barack Obama, the n-word. He deleted those tweets and ultimately blamed the media.

Boca News Now reports:

A staunch Republican activist, Alembik was considered to be a major donor to several GOP candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

United States Senator Rick Scott, who at the time of Alembik's tweets was Governor of Florida, donated Alembik's donations to other charities, according to Haaretz which profiled Alembik here. Laura Loomer, the failed Boca Raton Congressional Candidate — and extreme right-wing activist — remembered Alembik this way on X, formerly known as Twitter: "Sadly, those of us who knew Steve understood that he struggled with his mental health at times, which he ultimately succumbed to when he died this week, but he always put on a smile for those around him and never complained."

Police responded en masse to the BurgerFi parking lot near Atlantic Avenue and the Florida Turnpike Monday evening for the report of a gunman. They found a woman identified by sources as Alembik's wife with gunshot wounds to her back and arm. She was rushed to Delray Medical Center where she remains in critical condition. He was found dead in his car.

Alembik, 72, lived in Boca Raton on SW 16th St.

Despite the fact that he was a racist and xenophobe, fellow bigot Laura Loomer described him as "kind-hearted."

Steve Alembik was on Project Veritas's board of directors and voted to oust O'Keefe.

From 2018:

I'm glad his wife was not killed. Btw, we need common sense gun laws. Everyone in his orbit seemed to know that he was struggling with mental health issues -- and he had a gun. In fact, he had a concealed carry permit, or at least he did in 2007. I've been detective-ing!

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