October 26, 2023

Welp, it's all set.

Steve Bannon has decided grifting traitor Mike Flynn should be one Trump heartbeat away from the US Presidency.

That's how we pick our leaders these days, amirite?

Flynn paid his way, we assume, onto the War Room show to pimp his new "movie," "Into the Light." Which appears to be a documentary about psyops? But the graphics in the trailer seem...mind-numbing?

Bannon displayed a bespoke link on the screen to track his viewers' clicks. It's a BIZNESS.

MIKE FLYNN (GUEST): So these are – these are interesting times. This vote today, as Matt Gaetz laid out – laid out very strategically, is one of the most historic votes. It's going to be the death knell for the establishment uni-party. And because I know Mike Johnson and Mike Johnson, I think he's from Louisiana, you know, he's got that firebrand type of type of attitude, but he's also very steady. He's a very steady guy. And this is what we need right now. But we need somebody not only steady, but like I say, he's in the ring and he's ready to go to go to war with us. So that's what we're going to need. We're going to need somebody that tough and that resilient.


FLYNN: So thanks Steve, and thanks for all that you’re doing. You’re one of the ones that’s bringing, you know, truth to power here and that’s what we need.

STEPHEN BANNON (HOST): Appreciate it, sir. The movie’s about the great psyop, fifth-generation warfare, it’ll blow you away. It got Lara Logan who has star quality and we got General Flynn also. That’s kind of tough casting when you got to go up against Lara Logan, General Flynn.


General Mike Flynn, one of the war heroes in the twenty-year war and now one of the senior advisers to President Trump. Hopefully back, I don’t know. Is General Flynn going to be VP? General Flynn going to be Secretary of Defense? We’ll talk about that later.

I say "elections" in quotes because it's pretty clear neither Bannon nor Flynn think actual democracy is very important to their convo.

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