I sure hope the cop didn't want to keep his job after flashing Donald Trump Jr. the white power sign as he arrived at the court to testify Wednesday. That looks like the three-finger salute to me, and people on the Internet picked that up quickly, too. Now, does that mean that it's Junior's fault? No.
But I've never had someone flash me a racist sign, so I'm just saying that the Trumps attract disgusting individuals. If someone flashed that sign to one of us, we'd be asking what the fuck he's doing instead of acting as if it's normal.
Here's a closer look:
Here's another quick clip of the incident:
While Trump was on the campaign trail; his supporters tried to tell us that we got trolled because that sign started at 4Chan. Sorry, guys, but the OK sign has been coopted and is now designated as a hate symbol. We don't need to normalize this; thankyouverymuch.