Trump brought up the old allegations of a “golden shower” from sex workers in Russia during an unbelievable moment at an Iowa rally.
November 19, 2023

Trump keeps bringing up the allegations from the Steele Dossier that the Russian FSB employed hookers to pee on Trump in a hotel room while he was in Moscow in 2013, and there exists a recording of it deep inside the Kremlin.

Since all these allegations have so far been unproven with no evidence beyond hearsay from some unsavory Russian characters, Trump seems to think that bringing it up so often helps him with an electorate already suspicious of mainstream media. He can just call it FAKE NEWS, as he does everything else negative about him and his crime syndicate of a family.

Methinks he doth protest too much with this stuff though. (Apologies to the estate of David Bowie for the added audio.)

Source: The Independent

Donald Trump looked back on the wild allegations about him getting a “golden shower” from sex workers in Russia during an unbelievable moment at an Iowa rally.

Speaking in Fort Dodge on Saturday, the former president brought up the mostly-debunked 2016 dossier in which ex-British spy Christopher Steele alleged Mr Trump had paid sex workers to urinate on him in a Moscow hotel.

Mr Trump gave a rambling retelling of his conversation with wife Melania after the claims emerged.

“‘He was with four hookers’ — you think that was good that night to go up and tell my wife? ‘It’s not true darling, I love you very much, it’s not true,’” Mr Trump said.

"Actually, that one she didn’t believe because she said he’s a germaphobe, he’s not into that, you know. He’s not into golden showers as they say.”

And the regular clip.

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