December 6, 2023

After yet another Nancy Mace blowup last week that resulted in longtime staffer and former chief of staff Dan Hanlon being terminated Friday, other key staffers also walked out. Hanlon even took the popcorn machine with him.

It ain't easy working for Nancy Mace. She goes through more staff members than just about anybody in Congress. And she's mighty particular about getting tv appearances, even setting a quota.

Source: Washington Examiner

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) has lost three of her senior staffers in the past week, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

Her three senior staffers include her former chief of staff Dan Hanlon, who was fired on Friday, her deputy chief of staff, Richard Chalkey, who resigned, and her legislative director, Randal Meyer, who resigned effective the end of the month.

All three staffers are four-year alumni of the Trump administration, with Hanlon being a day one Mace staffer.

The source claimed that working in Mace’s office is a “toxic work environment” and there could be complete staff turnover by January.

One source with direct knowledge of the matter said Hanlon took the office popcorn machine on his way out.

According to a source, Mace has also lost three junior staffers in recent months to resignations, making that six staffers in total she has lost since October.

Shocked - SHOCKED! - that her office is described as a “toxic work environment.”

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