At this point, Rudy Giuliani should earn a Lifetime Achievement Crookie award. This year has really cemented it. Hunter Biden's laptop is coming for him, and it isn't going to be pretty. It's already pretty ugly.
His humble brag in April where he told Steve Bannon how he and his cronies suppressed Hispanic voters was the perfect picture of what an evil, nasty, bigoted piece of crap he is.
So they went through East Harlem, which is all Hispanic, and they gave out little cards, and the card said, if you come to vote, make sure you have your green card because INS are picking up illegals.
Oh my gosh.
So they spread it all over the Hispanic.
That nasty asshole bragged about that! And about playing dirty tricks on voters.
Speaking of dirty tricks, the entire Hunter Biden laptop story came through Rudy. Everything from the claim that there was evidence of bribery to the intentional release of nude photos of Hunter. And every time there was any investigation, the "witnesses" Rudy claimed he had mysteriously disappeared or died, and there was never, ever any reasonable chain of custody of the hard drive which was called a laptop.
But the most insidious lie is his election fraud claim, which he clings to like a barnacle to a pier. In August, he promised there was "new evidence" that would prove he was right. He also said he would get his Georgia case moved to federal court. That will not happen, given that Mark Meadows couldn't get his moved to federal court. Jail is on the table in the Georgia case, so he'd better come up with that evidence no one has seen and won't see, before his butt lands in the slammer.
So now Rudy is crying that he's broke. His lawyers are taking all his money, he stiffed his accountants and so he needs people to help him with his expenses. Expenses he incurred by flapping his big mouth and lying about people like Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, getting hit with a judgment of $148 million. Right after a jury awarded that amount, Rudy went out and did it again, because he really does think as long as he repeats the lie often enough, it's believed.
We can argue about whether dementia and alcoholism has overtaken him, but the fact is that he's been a lying racist piece of shit for years and years. When I was researching all the crap pouring out on Obama, all the paths led back to Rudy and his crappy 2008 primary staffers.
We at Crooks and Liars are going to enjoy next year's televised Georgia trial, where defendant Rudy will surely be convicted for what he did to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss in furtherance of the criminal enterprise. And when he goes down on RICO charges, I promise you I will be here applauding right along with you.
Without further ado, I present a 2023 Crookie Award to Rudy Giuliani

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