Literally in the same breath. And this is the guy that wants to make Biden's age an issue. Here's Trump during a campaign rally in Iowa this Saturday, doing some really weird revisionist history on John McCain's famous thumbs down vote on repealing the ACA.
TRUMP: We're also going to fight to give much better health care than what you have right now. You know, this is a newer subject, but Obamacare is a disaster. And I said we’re going to we’re going to do something about it. I saved Obamacare when we got John McCain’s negative vote. You know, he voted against it after campaigning for many, many years. He said, "Uh thumbs down."
Maybe he'll let us know what his plans are to "save" it in two weeks.
Trump "saved Obamacare" by gutting funding for risk mitigation which would have kept premiums and deductibles low. Oh, he also "saved Obamacare" by authorizing short term junk insurance plans for the whole year, which meant more healthy people opting out of actual insurance.
As many rightfully noted on the social media site formerly known as Twitter, Trump was not the one who "saved Obamacare."