Democrats Nominate A Republican In GA-11
Credit: AJC/Stamper campaign
May 30, 2024

This is a bit of a weird one. Georgia's 11th congressional district is quite red, with Trump winning by 15 points in 2020. Longshot candidates run in those districts because no one else wants to. In this case, though, Katy Stamper took it upon herself, for whatever reasons, to run in the Democratic primary where she ended up winning. And it was only after she'd won that her record was scrutinized.

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Stamper, an attorney in Woodstock, has voted as a Republican repeatedly since 1994, according to a search of voter records. She pulled Democratic ballots only twice since then: this year, when she presumably voted for herself in the congressional race for the seat representing exurbs north of Atlanta, and in the presidential preference primary in 2016.

She also has donated consistently to Republican candidates since 2020, albeit in small-dollar amounts. She supported both Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign and Donald Trump’s. She wrote a check to conservative Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz in March, the most recent donation on record.

In 1990, Stamper ran for a seat in the Georgia House as a candidate of the Libertarian Party. At the time, she was going by her birth name, Karen Sacandy. She had it legally changed in 2019.

Reached by phone on Tuesday, Stamper would not say whether she currently identifies as a Republican or a Democrat. And she would not say whether she has had any contact with the Democratic Party of Georgia about her campaign.

It might be a good idea to ask someone that question before they win your primary next time.

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