Devin Nunes Claims 'Conspiracy Against Truth Social' On Wall Street
Credit: Screengrab
May 17, 2024

The disgraced former Republican Congressman, now CEO of Truth Social, Devin Nunes joined Real America's Voice. He claimed there's a massive conspiracy against Trump's media site, causing the stock to plummet.

It can't be that the site is losing millions of dollars while not having the kind of engagement a thriving social media site needs to survive. Or that he's a bad corporate leader of a crappy product.

DEVIN NUNES: Something doesn't make sense. I smell...Look, you know, John, I've run a lot of investigations, and this one smells just as dirty as all the other investigations that I've had to run into government malfeasance here.

I think there's a lot of bad actors here. And I think between Congress, between the NASDAQ, between state attorney generals, there's going to be more to this story because we're not going to let up until we get off that list, and it looks like we're operating in a normal marketplace.

Nunes doesn't go on real media anymore. Whenever things go bad for the MAGA cult, it's never their fault. It's always some shadowy, deep state, QAnon pedophile ring out to get them.

Take some fn responsibility once in a while.

Here's more of his nonsense.

So the Congress actually has the ability, so does the SEC, to go in and look at three specific days.

We just wanna know who traded those shares.

It's a simple question.

Who is it?

Who did it?

I don't think it's, I mean, we have so many retail investors, I think the average shareholder in our company, because we have so many, I mean, they may own, I'm just a rough guess, 50 to 100 shares is the average number of shares.

So how is it that on one day, almost 2.3 million shares are not able to close?

Who's doing that?

It's not, can't be our retail shareholders.

Can you help us out?

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