May 14, 2024

Fox News's Sean Hannity had an interesting take when a caller named John said he was wondering about all of the "corruption" in the Biden administration. Ironically, it's former President Donald Trump who is facing 91 felonies, 34 of the charges in New York City, where he is currently on trial. But sure, John, do go off. It's almost as if we can place the blame for the misinformation some Americans consider to be reality right on Fox News's doorstep. And for the people who rant against fake news, their favorite networks are the most prominent purveyors of fake news. Case in point: John has consumed too much Fox News and isn't tethered to reality.

Hannity blames "RINO weak Republicans" as the reason why President Biden hasn't been impeached.

"Now, Republicans have a problem," Hannity said, according to Media Matters. "They have a one-vote lead in the House. They don't have a big enough majority."

"And, unfortunately, for Republicans in the House, there are too many RINO weak Republicans that won't go along with the impeachment inquiry," he added. "They think that will hurt their reelection chances. And for them, it's all about, I guess, political power and survival, and then they're not willing to, you know, take a stand for what I believe would be the right thing to do."

RINOs like House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer? Comer's impeachment inquiry became a laughingstock. To impeach a President, you have to have a reason first, and that has to be backed up with solid evidence. Comer's most recent excuse for his impeachment inquiry stalling was that he had too much evidence. Ooof!

"Here's a $64,000 question, Chairman," Newsmax's Eric Bolling said late last month. "When do we hold them accountable for perjury or evading taxes?"

"A lot. A lot. Evading taxes, many financial crimes," Comer insisted. "The reason that this has taken so long, in addition to the obstruction for the White House, is there's more evidence that comes in every day."

Sure, Hannity, it's the RINOs. That's the ticket.

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