August 9, 2024

Kamala Harris is whooping Donald Trump's ass in the polls, and she only entered the race a couple of weeks ago. Harris is fighting for the freedom to choose, the freedom to live safely from gun violence in this gun-saturated country, the freedom to vote, and the freedom to drink clean water and breathe clean air.

In contrast, MAGA is a freedom-sucking movement that wants to dominate women, take away their bodily autonomy, limit voting, and to hell with protections for clean water and clean air. Who needs air, am I right?

Trump thinks Kamala Harris has some sort of a woman card and attributes that to her rise in the polls, adding that she represents "certain groups of people." You know that chud wants to say the n-word so badly. It's not as if he hasn't said it before.

"What would you attribute her rising in the polls as becoming a more competitive race since she's taken over?" a reporter asked.

"Well, she's a woman," Trump said. "She represents certain groups of people."

In 1992, Trump said, "Women, you have to treat 'em like shit." He hasn't learned a damn thing since then. Narcissists can't change except to get worse. It was nice of him, though, to advertise the decline of his mental health.

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