May 26, 2024

Here's an example of why I think TikTok is not going away anytime soon. Short user-submitted video mashups have made TikTok the 4th largest social media platform in the world.

You combine a few disparate elements to make what I think is better than the individual parts. In this case, the wonderful Swedish swing dancers Nils Andrén & Bianca Locatelli who in their original video were dancing to a slow blues by B.B. King. Here, they're dancing to a remix by DJ Tons of RWH's "With Me Happy I'am Sorry" and Lady Gaga's wildly popular, though to my ears old-fashioned and overly sentimental Always Remember Us This Way from A Star is Born, her 2018 film with Bradley Cooper. Giving the song an infectious beat resuscitates the power ballad and breathes new life into it. Add the utterly sublime slide dancing and you get a viral video on TikTok, with over 10 million views as of the writing.


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