The hosts of Fox & Friends couldn't stop laughing about presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's proposal to force migrants to fight each other.
June 23, 2024

The hosts of Fox & Friends couldn't stop laughing about presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's proposal to force migrants to fight each other.

During the Sunday edition of Fox & Friends, hosts Will Cain, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and Charlie Hurt seemed delighted at Trump's idea of creating a UFC league for migrants.

"Oh my gosh, [Trump] proposed to Dana White that they create a migrant UFC, and then you can set the migrant champion against the regular UFC champion," Cain said as the other two hosts cackled.

"He said, I don't know. I don't know. I think the migrant might win," the host added, doing his best Trump impression. "And my favorite part of it is at the end he goes, it's not the worst, not the worst idea I've ever had."

Campos-Duffy said she alarmed her makeup artist by bursting into laughter after reading the text of Trump's speech.

"Can I tell you?" she said. "Well, I was reading that when I was in the makeup chair, and I just started laughing out loud, and then our makeup artist in here, we were like, what's going on?"

"And I'm like, Oh my God, he just said it's not the worst idea I've ever had," she laughed.

Campos-Duffy insisted that Trump's proposal was a "brilliant" idea for his campaign.

"Well, but tucked in it is something really important, which is these guys are violent," she said. "Maybe you need Donald Trump to make sure those guys are out of the country."

"So that's also tucked into that message. It's brilliant."

(h/t: Bad Fox Graphics)

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