Former Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark complained that officials had not sent Steve Bannon to a minimum-security prison because "they want to see harm come to him."
June 20, 2024

Former Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark complained that officials had not sent Steve Bannon to a minimum-security prison because "they want to see harm come to him."

While speaking to Real America's Voice host Jack Posobiec on Wednesday, Clark claimed that "they want to send Steve Bannon even to Rikers Island."

"Or they're going to send him to a place where he's going to be like in a communal lockup, you know, when he's 70 years old, you know, roughly," he said.

Clark explained he was circulating a petition to have Congress nullify all convictions related to Jan. 6.

"And it's even not just, you know, Steve and Peter [Navarro], right, or some of the others mentioned in the resolution, like Dan Scavino," he asserted. "It's the people who are the ordinary people who, you know, showed up, you know, on January 6th, and they were hit with all kinds of subpoena process, legal bills they couldn't afford."

"It would be great for them to get some justice with a declaration from our current Congress, which was supposed to be elected to undo these kinds of things, to just, you know, lay it on the line and say, hey, this is all, you know, BS, and it needs to be vacated."

Posobiec pointed out that Bannon had been assigned to a low-security prison in Danbury, Connecticut.

"You're only talking about a sentence of a few months, why wouldn't you put them in a minimum security camp-like setting, especially given Steve's age, right?" Clark replied. "Steve is not a violent threat of any kind."

Clark offered two conspiracy theories to explain Bannon's prison assignment.

"Either they're so evil-hearted they want to see harm come to him, or because the conditions of the lockdown will be so extreme that he won't even be able to communicate to the outside world, you know, to the War Room posse to communicate those who will run the show in his absence," he remarked.

"And this shows you that the real objective is to take him off the field, to take one of our most effective political players and leaders off the field during the key last four months before the election."

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