June 18, 2024

Fox News and Trump advisor Sean Hannity is worried about Trump's mental acuity issues.

So he claimed President Biden needs to be drug-tested before the presidential debate.

Who knew sitting presidents would be treated as racehorses?

Hannity whined about the CNN moderators because they aren't MAGA-approved sycophants. He's pre-framing the debate as "anti-Trump" because he's worried the non-Fox moderators won't lick Trump's shoes enough.

"It's going to be three-on-one, but the former president took on the challenge," Hannity said. "I don't think he'll regret it."

Hannity feels Trump will regret it, but not because of Jake Tapper.

However, the Joe Biden that we're talking about tonight, I don't think will be the Joe Biden we're going to see on debate night.

I think the Joe Biden we see on debate night is going to be the guy that we saw at the State of the Union.

He's going to be all hyped up, you know, hyper-caffeinated, whatever it is.

It's interesting that 70% of the country does like the idea of drug testing.

I like the idea. They do it to athletes. They do it to horses in horse racing.

Why not do it to presidential candidates?

I like the idea. 70% of Americans apparently agree with me.

However, what do you expect for the debate?

The person who should be worried about possible drug tests is Diminished Donald. If anyone is huffing Adderall, it's Trump.

The MAGA cult needs to float the idea of drug tests because they are worried Biden will punch Trump's lights out in the CNN debate. Hannity and Fox News were most likely shocked by how well Biden did during his SOTU speech, so they must start a new conspiracy theory.

Lara, as usual, offers nothing interesting except more grievances.

LARA TRUMP, RNC CO-CHAIR: Yeah, well, this is nothing new, of course.

The cards have always been stacked against Donald Trump since the day he came down the escalator to announce he was running for president as a Republican. Look at the entirety of his time in office.


They fought against him every single day.

And yet look at what he actually accomplished.

The twice-impeached Trump handled the signature obstacle in his presidency, the pandemic, with the madness of crazy King George III. His actions directly led to thousands of dead Americans because of his failed leadership.

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