June 19, 2024

Supporters of Donald Trump reportedly celebrated his felony conviction at a rally in Racine, Wisconsin.

During coverage before the former president's scheduled rally on Tuesday, reporters for RSBN said there was a celebratory atmosphere at the rally over Trump's recent 34 felony convictions.

"We see so many shirts with people kind of celebrating with President Trump when it comes to being a felon and the conviction," one RSBN reporter noted. "I don't think any of that is a weighing in on these people's decision come November."

"Absolutely," a second reporter agreed. "It's giving President Trump a boost. It has definitely [helped] in his campaign fundraising. We know that he has raised record amount of funds since those convictions."

The reporter pointed to slogans on T-shirts as evidence of supporters being energized by Trump's felony convictions.

"You have bumper stickers, 'I support police,' 'Trump 2024,' 'Never surrender," she noted. "You see a lot of shirts now since he's been found guilty that 'I'm voting for a felon.'"

UPDATE: From Trump's Wisconsin rally Tuesday:

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