June 17, 2024

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell told MSNBC that people laughed in the streets at him when he invited the community to see Trump at his church.

When MSNBC host Charles Coleman asked about the mostly white turnout, Sewell got creative.

Coleman: When you pull out to see the crowd, it seems like what we're looking at are more white Trump supporters. So, was the audience mostly white? And did that message of outreach to the black community actually hit its target?

Sewell: To be frank, I was very surprised who were there. There were famous rappers that I don't even know. But my children, my 15-year-old, he knew.

I was surprised, to be very frank and honest with you, about how many black people were actually physically in the building.

A few rappers Sewell didn't know don't equate to a tremendous Black turnout for diminished Donald.

Then Sewell unintentionally showed the stupidity of inviting Trump to the Detroit place of worship.

I remember walking down Grand River, a place that is absolutely desolate on the west side of Detroit, walking down the street and just inviting people, just saying, hey, the former president's here. If you want to come, come.

And they were just laughing like I was when I first was approached.

Looking at the mostly white crowd, no amount of cleanup can make Sewell's event legit. It was ridiculous and he should have acknowledged the poor Black turnout.


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