June 24, 2024

Fox Business Network hosted MAGA Republican Rep. Tim Burchett, who attacked the new WH Comms Director.
Tyler Cherry, a gay man, is, according to Burchett, a "radical transgender white male."

The gays are not allowed in government unless they support the MAGA cult.

Cheryl Casone: But one thing that the Biden administration has just done, and it's created some controversy, is hiring Tyler Cherry for a communications role inside the White House.

So this is a former Interior Department communications director, who's now under fire for past tweets. He called for immigration and custom support enforcement to be abolished. The modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs. So he responds on X, and he says past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views, period.

I support this administration's agenda and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies.

Congressman, another interesting hire at the White House.

It's controversial for Fox News because he's openly gay. Rep. Tim Burchett takes it farther down the road of hate.

Burchett: Yeah, it's a DEI thing, ma'am. They needed to check the box.

I guess they just needed a radical transgender white male. Maybe that was what they're trying to hit.

Cherry previously worked in the Interior Department under Secretary Deb Haaland. Before that he worked in Democratic politics in Arizona and at Media Matters for America.

Cherry is obviously highly qualified, but because he's very outspoken on LGBTQ rights, he must be destroyed.

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