June 23, 2024

In a request to keep Donald Trump’s gag order partially in place after his 34 felony convictions, prosecutors from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office cited some darned good reasons for it to continue.

Prosecutors argued that the gag order is no longer needed as it pertains to witnesses but protections against Trump attacks on jurors, court staff, prosecutors and their families are still necessary while Trump’s July 11 sentencing is pending, The New York Times reported on Friday.

There are dozens of very disturbing reasons why:

The New York Police Department has logged 56 “actionable threats” against Mr. Bragg, his family, and employees at the district attorney’s office since early April, according to an affidavit provided with the filing.

Such threats, evidently made by supporters of Mr. Trump, included a post disclosing the home address of one of Mr. Bragg’s employees, and bomb threats made on the first day of the trial targeting two people involved in the case.

Prosecutors said the threats were “directly connected to defendant’s dangerous rhetoric,” and cited several examples, including a post that depicted cross hairs “on people involved in this case.”

Others were homicidal messages directed at Mr. Bragg or his employees, including, “We will kill you all,” “You are dead” and “Your life is done.” Four of the threats were referred for further investigation, according to the police affidavit.

The 56 threats, prosecutors said, did not include hundreds of harassing emails and phone calls received by Mr. Bragg’s office, which the police are “not tracking as threat cases.”

The gag order doesn’t preclude Trump from attacking Bragg or Judge Juan Merchan, The Times noted. But that hasn’t stopped Trump and his attorneys from arguing that he should be able to keep endangering their families or jurors. In their request that the judge lift the gag order, Trump’s attorneys said he has a “constitutional mandate for unrestrained campaign advocacy,” The Times reported earlier this month.

After the hideous attacks on Bragg were made public, neither Trump attorney Todd Blanche nor the Trump campaign had any comment, according to The Times. Not even a request for civility or respect.

It’s another example of so-called pro-lifers showing an utter disregard for life, not to mention decency, to those who are no longer fetuses.

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