July 10, 2024

Federal aid for Texas after Hurricane Beryl arrived later than needed because state leaders were slow to request an official disaster declaration from the White House, President Joe Biden told the Houston Chronicle Tuesday. Via The Texas Tribune:

With Gov. Greg Abbott out of the country on an economic development trip in Asia, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has served as acting governor amid the storm, making him responsible for putting in the state’s request for aid. A White House spokesperson told the Chronicle that officials had tried multiple times to reach Abbott and Patrick, and Biden said he only connected with Patrick Tuesday, after which he issued the disaster declaration.

Patrick denied Biden's account, writing on social media that the president was "falsely accusing" him of being unreachable.

"I am disappointed that President Biden is turning Hurricane Beryl into a political issue," Patrick said, describing a "cordial call" with Biden earlier Tuesday in which the president granted his request for a major disaster declaration.

Now, think about that. Dan Patrick, one of the most maggoty of the MAGAts, is accusing Joe Biden of politicizing aid. Hahaha! Glad to see Old Joe getting some digs in instead of trying to be nice to the same people who haven't hesitated to politicize the border.

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