July 11, 2024

Seriously, I can't imagine on what planet you would put Joe Biden under a microscope when there's a big honkin' elephant in the room. Via HuffPost:

“Daily Show” correspondents Desi Lydic and Jordan Klepper spotted some wild claims by Donald Trump at his latest lie-filled rally.

But one truly bizarre moment stood out even by Trump’s standards ― Lydic had to issue a disclaimer before playing it.

“To be clear, we did not add this music,” she said before rolling the footage of Trump speaking about people dying of fentanyl as music swelled. Then, in practically the same breath, Trump complained about dirty, crowded airports and flight delays.

“What a smooth transition from ‘There’s blood in the streets!’ to ‘And why do I have to check my bags at the gate!’” Klepper said.

“They’re killing us with fentanyl, and I’m in boarding group 6?” Lydic added.

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