July 28, 2024

Republicans are almost fanatical about the problems at the Southern border. Still, when presented with facts, like, for instance, when former President Donald Trump took to Truth (LOL) Social to tell Republicans to back off of a bipartisan border deal because it would give Joe Biden a win, they did. They fell in lockstep while casting aside the good of our country -- again. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Trump took an ax to the deal, which was a bipartisan bill that would beef up border security and immigration enforcement while authorizing more assistance to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. But he didn't want Biden to get that win. After all, the border deal would have given Trump less to campaign on against President Biden. But now Kamala Harris is Trump's opponent, so conservatives are flinging shit in hopes of something sticking.

Former NY State Senator David Carlucci hit Fox News's Harris Faulkner with a truth bomb about the bill, and she cut him off because, of course, she did.

"Look, I think Kamala Harris is exactly what Donald Trump is afraid of," Carlucci said. "Look, he's been talking about all of these issues on the border. She went down to South America and Central America to try to help from the root of the problem, not the symptoms. If Donald Trump cared about the border, he wouldn't have blocked..."

Harris interrupted to say, "We're gonna move on."

Well, of course, she did. Carlucci just smacked down the GOP's central narrative.

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