Giorgia Meloni's Look When She Saw Orbán Breaks The Internet
Credit: Twitter/Getty Images
July 13, 2024

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is blunt. Exceedingly blunt. Whether you like or dislike her, you always know where you stand with her. So when she spied the Hungarian PM at the NATO summit in Washington her disdain was obvious.

Viktor Orbán is on his whirlwind tour of the worst dictators in the world, with stops in Beijing to meet Xi Jinping, Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, and Mar-a-Lago yesterday to meet with Donald Trump.

Source: Obozrevatel

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni made netizens laugh with her emotionality during a working session at the NATO summit in Washington, DC. The photographer captured the Italian's genuine emotions while looking at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Meloni's expression of disgust and dissatisfaction went viral. On the X platform (formerly Twitter), the image garnered more than 19 thousand likes in a few hours.

It was briefly captioned "Mood".

The photo shows Meloni looking at Orban's back while he reads the document. The Italian woman let all her feelings show on her face, twisting her mouth.

The comments supported the Italian leader and her emotions towards her Hungarian counterpart. Some even noted that if you look at her for a long time, you can understand Meloni's feelings for each participant of the summit.

She rarely holds a neutral expression for long. Photographers often capture her looking dreamy, happy, or focused.

Many comments were similar to this one.

As well as the inevitable memes.

And Orban visiting with another scumbag on Vladimir Putin's behalf.

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