Now is not a time for chaos. We have a historically weak opponent, in Trump. A felon. A rapist. A traitor who backed a coup, We can crush him, we just need the right candidate to prosecute the case
July 22, 2024

Now is not a time for chaos. We have a historically weak opponent in Trump. A felon.Rapist. Traitor who backed a coup. There's a real Roe effect of ~7% in the D direction. Project 2025 pops up on Google when you type in "what is" & was just featured in People Magazine. People get it.

We can crush him, we just need the candidate to prosecute the case. But let me start by thanking President Biden for being the best President of my lifetime, and one of the 10 best of all time. Against a Fascist force right-wing media/Republican Party, corporate mainstream media that's corrupt to the core, Russian interference & an Opus-Dei-controlled Supreme Court, Biden got bipartisan gun control & infrastructure lege passed. Got us outta COVID & into the best economy of the past 70 yrs. Wages up. Inflation down. Medicare negotiating Rx drug prices--Dems had failed at this for a generation.

Now, it's clear to me what we must do. You may be able to guess where this is headed. But watch my Emergency Pod as we discuss how to destroy the GOP in November. And be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Cliff's Edge, indie media where I give you the insider's view (wrote ads for Biden in '20, many other campaigns) w/out insider corruption.

I am free of corporate influence. I don't put ad revenue over the truth or my country.

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