July 23, 2024

Via Notes From The Chalkboard, we find that Mark Robinson, Republican candidate for NC governor (you remember him: "Some people just need killing!") is a little bit shady in terms of doing the right thing. There was a time when something like fabricating background checks for a daycare center would be a major scandal, but probably not. I can't believe someone like this is even on the ticket:

In a 2023 interview with the Carolina Journal, North Carolina’s infamous gubernatorial hopeful Mark Robinson was asked about his previous work experience and what his various jobs had taught him.

Positively beaming with pride, Robinson talked about the Greensboro daycare center he and his wife Yolanda Hill operated for years and what it was like to be 100% responsible for everything that happened in a small business.

Robinson’s official Lieutenant Governor website bio also mentions the daycare center, boasting Robinson was “blessed to start, run, and sell a successful small business with his wife.”

However, Department of Health and Human Services documentation first reported on by the News and Observer’s Ned Barnett paint a very different picture of Precious Beginnings daycare center.

Oh, really. Tell us more!

Those documents, which I retrieved via public records request and are published here for the first time, chronicle multiple complaints and citations ranging from lack of supervision to falsifying credentials including criminal background qualification letters.

And rather than ending by proudly selling “a successful small business,” these records indicate Robinson and Hill closed the daycare after learning that the DHHS investigation against them would go away only if they never worked in child care in North Carolina again.

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