July 17, 2024

Jon Stewart had noted sexual harasser Bill O'Reilly as his guest on the Daily Show this week, and it went about how you'd think. Via the New York Times:

The two have squared off before, and O’Reilly nodded to that history: “We are able to disagree without hating each other. Now, I truly hate him. But I don’t show it.”

O’Reilly tried to distance himself from Trump, saying that as a registered independent, he didn’t have a candidate. Then he pulled out a sheet of paper and rattled off a list of prices, mortgage rates and overdose rates that had risen during the Biden administration.

“I respectfully say, yes, inflation was too high, and that hurt American consumers,” Stewart replied. “So what did Biden do to create that, though?”

“I don’t know, and that’s what I would ask,” O’Reilly said, as the audience began laughing and Stewart shot out of his chair, apparently incredulous.

“Basically, you wrote down on a piece of paper, but you didn’t look up the answer?” Stewart said.

Bless his heart.

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