Donald Trump's former staff and Republicans are his biggest critics. The people who worked closely with Trump are among the loudest voices urging voters to keep him out of the White House.
July 24, 2024

Some of the biggest critics of former president Donald Trump are his former aides and Republicans.
A "stunning" number of ex-Trump administration aides are against sending him back to the White House, according to USA Today. The outlet reported that Trump's former aides said he was a "threat to democracy," and described the 45th president as "erratic," "delusional" and "narcissistic."

In a December 2023 interview, Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin told ABC News that if Trump is elected a second time it would be "the end of American democracy as we know it." The above video of Farah Griffin, deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews and former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson is an eye-opener.

Trump's Former V.P. Doesn't Endorse Him for President
Donald Trump made history, not in a good way, when his former V.P. refused to support him in another run for the White House. Former Vice President Mike Pence won't endorse Trump for a second term. Pence told Fox News he's lost his loving feeling for his old boss, and you can't blame him! Trump did try to to have him killed during the January 6 insurrection.

Former Cabinet Members Blast Trump
When Trump was president, he had 44 people in his cabinet. In 2024, 40 of the people who worked with the 45th president closely have to say about Trump:

Republicans Are Sounding the Alarm About Trump
Former Trump Admin staffer Cassidy Hutchinson says it will be the last election for America if Trump gets back in the White House. Hutchinson told Jen Psaki, “If Donald Trump is elected president again in 2024, I do fear that it will be the last election where we’re voting for democracy because if he is elected again, I don’t think we’ll be voting under the same Constitution."

Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney calls Trump an "existential threat.”

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