On The Daily Show, Pete Buttigieg explained why the "childless" comments by J.D. Vance are so offensive. Pete told Jon Stewart how the comments go beyond Vance's weird worldview, and represent something dangerous.
July 30, 2024

Pete Buttigieg explained why J.D. Vance's "childless" comments are offensive during a Daily Show appearance. Buttigieg spelled out why Vance's comments aren't just weird. The GOP V.P. candidate offended millions of voters with his opinions on childless people and "childless cat ladies." The cat memes are hilarious but Buttigieg made clear why Vance's comments matter so much.

Why Vance's Childless Comments Are Offensive

The clip below is another example of why they call him "Slayer Pete."

The way Buttigieg frames Vance's childless comments is masterful. This quote from Pete blew me away:

"He said people who don't have children have no physical commitment to the future of the country…..When I was deployed to Afghanistan, especially when there was a rocket attack going on, my commitment to this country felt pretty physical."

Jon Stewart's reaction to Buttigieg summed it up perfectly:

"It points to that idea who are you tell what's in someone else's heart about what they feel about the future, or what they feel about this country?"

The fear of cat ladies must be a GOP trend. Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters riffed on cat ladies too.

It's worth your time to watch Buttigieg's entire Daily Show interview. We posted it above. You won't regret it!

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