Trump and Republicans have spent years trying to destroy President Joe Biden for one reason. Trump and Republicans know Biden will win.
July 7, 2024

Every American voter should question why there are so many "journalists" are calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. The deranged media swarm after the Biden-Trump debate defies logic. Trump and Republicans have spent years trying to undermine President Joe Biden for one reason. Trump and Republicans know Biden will win. It's pretty simple to understand and
I Am Politics Girl explains by tweeting:

The Republicans want us to replace Biden because: A: They can't beat him. B: They'll make sure any other Democrat can't get on all the ballots. C: Only Biden or Harris has access to the Democratic war chest. Any other Dem would be starting from scratch financially.

If the pundits stop their 24/7 bashing of Biden, they might realize there's a reason Trump and the GOP have invested millions trying to stop Joe Biden from becoming president. Here are a handful of tactics the GOP used to stop Joe from Scranton.

Trump Froze Military Aid to Ukraine to Get Zelensky to Find Dirt
In September 2019, ABC News reported that Trump froze hundreds of millions in military aid to Ukraine for one reason. The 45th president of the U.S. wanted dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Per ABC News, in July 2019, Trump stopped hundreds of millions of Ukraine military aid "while putting pressure on newly elected President Zelensky to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. During a July 2019 call with Zelensky, Trump asked the Ukraine president to do a "favor" for him and work with Rudy Giuliani on an investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter."

GOP Smear of Ashley Biden
Trump and crew knew he was losing the 2020 election.
The New York Times reported in the last months of the 2020 presidential campaign, Trump "desperately tried to change the narrative by attacking the business dealings of Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s son Hunter, invoking his name publicly over 100 times."

The outlet noted "At the same time, another effort was underway in secret to try to expose the contents of a diary kept the previous year by Mr. Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, as she underwent treatment for addiction."

Rolling Stone noted that Republican media outlet Project Veritas and chief James O'Keefe specialized in dirty tricks. During the 2020 presidential campaign, two people stole Ashley Biden's diary and sold it to Project Veritas.

The Ashley Biden diary story is sordid. There are reports that some entries were planted and that the Trump campaign shared the diary to hurt Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden Trials
The efforts to hurt Joe Biden's only living son, Haunter Biden, sound like a movie. The AP reported Donald Trump pressured Attorney General Bill Barr to find anything he could on Joe and Hunter Biden in 2020.

Hunter's had the pressure of the U.S. government against him for years and he was convicted of a crime, mostly because his last name is Biden. According to NBC News, Legal experts say the charges against Hunter Biden are unusual, and most people aren't charged for what Hunter did.

Per NBC News: "The federal statute making it unlawful for a drug addict to possess a gun faces court challenges. The tax charges central to a now-tossed plea deal also rarely result in jail time."

In a 2023 December interview, Hunter opened up about the legal battle against him. The son of the president discussed the lawsuits with Moby the musician on Moby Pod, saying:

"What they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle, and so therefore destroying a presidency in that way."
Hunter continued, sharing that it was a "struggle" to have a "well ordered life" while getting attacked daily.

Anyone struggling with addiction or who loves someone fighting addiction knows it's a fight to stay clean every day.

Trump and GOP Go After Biden and Family Because They Know He'll Win
The fact that Trump and his crew try to destroy Joe Biden by attacking his kids is horrible.
Look at all the efforts Trump and the GOP have made to hurt the president and his family, and realize they are afraid of him!

Experts outside the media pundit meltdown realize how big of a mistake it would be to dump Joe Biden.

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