Will Jim Jordan Investigate As 'White Dudes For Harris' Suspended By Elon Musk?
Credit: screenshot
July 30, 2024

The "White Dudes for Harris" took in millions of dollars this week for the Harris campaign.

Yet in a shocking display of the "election interference," white supremacist Elon Musk suspended White Dudes for Harris' account on X after they raised $4 million for the Vice President's campaign.

The irony is not lost on me as well as Mike Nellis.

Mike Nellis, founder/CEO of digital advertising firm Authentic, who is one of the organizers of White Dudes for Harris, wrote in a post Monday evening that X notified the group its account was suspended for “Violating our rules against evading suspension.”

“We scared @elonmusk and @DonaldJTrumpJr so much tonight they suspended our account and won’t let us back in,” Nellis wrote. “These guys are running scared of the success we’ve had tonight, but we’re not going to quit.” In a follow-up posted, he added, “I ask this question seriously… are we the first white dudes to ever get suspended by @elonmusk’s Twitter? I think we are.”

Republicans spent most of their time controlling the House by holding specious and ridiculous investigations against social media and the federal government trying to clamp down on conspiracy theories, which they claimed subverted free speech and the election of 2020.
After Elon Musk bought Twitter, he claimed he was a "free speech advocate."

Matt Taibbi was humiliated trying to spin the "Twitter Files" into a conspiracy that the deep state conspired against Trump to squash social media, claiming it was worse than the global financial collapse of 2008.

When are Rep. Jordan and buffoon James Comer coming to the rescue regarding actual malfeasance by Elon Musk?


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