August 8, 2024

Fox News host Harris Faulkner and the gaggle of conservative women on Outnumbered complained that Taylor Swift may mention she supports Kamala Harris while performing in concert.

Scumbag Elon Musk can promote horrible white nationalistic garbage to his 100 million followers and support Trump but God Forbid Taylor Swift for having the audacity to support Kamala Harris and not Rapey Von Shitzhispants.

Emily Campagno was very worried Swift might have some influence in the upcoming election.

CAMPAGNO: She has spoken publicly before that she would stay out of it for that reason, and I am hoping here we don't use a celebrity influence and endorsement as an actual impact on the presidential election that has a real impact on so many Americans' lives.

Not to be outdone trying to shut down Taylor Swift's constitutional rights came Harris "Trump was funny at the NABJ" Faulkner.

FAULKNER: I think two things about this. The tickets are extremely expensive to go see her.

I know, because you know my Bella's 16th birthday. That's what she wanted.

She's a huge Taylor Swift fan.

And if we're gonna pay that much money as consumers, you don't need to serve up politics for that.

It's divided us as such a nation. Why can't she go to a concert without that?

She can vote any kind of way she wants. She can talk about it offstage, but when people pay to see you, just perform.

STFU and sing. It must hurt Faulkner that her daughter is a Swifty. Fox News promotes every country singer who supports Trump on every program. How dare Swift have the same rights.

Oh, by the way: Swift's Vienna concerts were cancelled after two were arrested in a suspected terrorist plot.

Earlier, officials said two men were arrested Wednesday in connection with allegations of plans to attack major events in Vienna, including Swift's coming concerts.

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