September 1, 2024

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) accused Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris of "politicizing" Donald Trump's campaign photo op at Arlington National Cemetary.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Stefanik lashed out at the Harris campaign after experts said Republican nominee Donald Trump held an "illegal" campaign event that included the graves of fallen soldiers.

"Look at this past week, Sean, this was the three-year anniversary of those 13 service members in Afghanistan, now 13 Gold Star families," Stefanik told host Sean Duffy. "And you have Kamala Harris's campaign politicizing this, not mentioning their names, not taking accountability for that catastrophic decision."

"She was the last person in the room advising Joe Biden, and yet they're criticizing Donald Trump's invitation from those families at Arlington," the Republican lawmaker complained. "Kamala Harris is a disgrace, and we need to make sure she never becomes commander in chief."

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