September 10, 2024

Haitian migrants are not eating neighborhood cats in Springfield, Ohio. That lie, which has been debunked, came from a Facebook post. The typical Republicans, including J.D. Vance and Elon Musk, spread the story anyway to stoke fear among their base.

Republicans who support the guy who bashes "childless cat ladies" are concern-trolling about cats. One of those people is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the most unlikeable political figures. So, of course, he posted a meme about the fabrication, complete with laughing emojis.

The 'racist shitbag' was called out on Xitter.

The Republican party relies on dehumanizing Black people, women, migrants, and the LGBTQ community. Instead of governing effectively, Republicans like Ted Cruz are more focused on engaging in provocative online behavior, seeking validation through likes on a shithole site like Xitter.

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