September 10, 2024

Trump just confessed to his biggest con ever, and right-wing maniacs are freaking out about it, with some pissed as s*t, some denying he said it at all, and others running from mics, refusing to comment. Meanwhile, Democrats are going on offense reminding Americans of what is so obvious: Donald Trump is a career criminal.

But the best response has come from neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, raging against Trump. Fuentes is encouraging his followers not to vote for him. You read that right. Fuentes, who has a huge following among the mouth-breathing, War-of-Northern-Aggression set, shared a long tirade that began like this:

"So why did we do stop the steal? Why did anyone go on January 6th? Why is anyone sitting in jail?"

And much more, because of Trump now admitting he lied about winning the election. There's much more in the video.

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