October 24, 2024

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. When asked later by reporters about it, where he was caught red-handed, Mastroianni just ran away, giving no comment. There's dumb and then there's Republican dumb.

Source: WRGB

Scotia, NY (WRGB) — NYS Assembly Republican candidate Joe Mastroianni spoke to reporters Wednesday evening after CBS6 first reported on a controversial video, in which the candidate appeared to steal political mail from a voter's mailbox.

Stealing mail is a federal offense.

Ring video provided by the law office of Frank Salamone, who's also the Schenectady County Democratic Committee chairman, shows Mastroianni appears to be stealing an election mailer sent by incumbent Assemblymember Angelo Santabarbara. A voter in Scotia retrieved the video after noticing she did not receive the item that appeared in her U.S. Postal Service informed delivery.

In the Ring camera videos, the mailman can be seen delivering the Santabarbara mailer around 1:30 p.m. and then Mastroianni can be seen walking onto the porch with a female just before 6 p.m.

You can see, it looks like Mastroianni removes the mailer, folds it up, and puts it in his pocket while laughing.

"Is stealing mail a felony?" Why yes it is.

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