October 8, 2024

Wahh! Wahh! How dare these women have their own interpretation of reality? We worked really hard so they wouldn't notice! Via HuffPost:

Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy of Montana lamented that “young women between the ages of 19 and 30” are being “indoctrinated” on the issue of abortion during a campaign stop last year, according to The Daily Montanan.

“They’ve been indoctrinated for too long,” Sheehy said in recordings made public on Monday. “Abortion is their No. 1 concern. It’s all they want to talk about. They are single-issue voters. It’s all about pro-choice, pro-choice, ‘Republicans are pro-life, they want to take my rights away and lock me up and throw me away in prison.’”

He added: “And I said, well, are you familiar with what Democrats’ position is on abortion? It’s called murder. That is the position of the American Democrat Party.”

As the outlet noted, the claim that abortion makes it legal to kill newborns has been repeatedly debunked.

So they lie, and women don't believe the lies. They change the laws, and then insist they didn't (or they won't). I wonder why Republicans have such a problem with women?

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