Vile Trump Jokes About Supporter Shot And Killed At His Rally
Credit: Screengrab
October 6, 2024

The Guardian received leaked audio from a Trump fundraiser in Aspen, Colorado on August 10th, were he despicable jokes about Helen Comperatore, the widow of firefighter Corey Comperatore, who was killed in the attempt.

The leaked audio also contained Trump attacking migrants with his made up stories to the wealthy donors coughing up big bucks to be there.

He descended into demon style hubris when he made fun of widow Helen Comperatore’ after she received a million dollars in donations.

Then, recalling a meeting with Comperatore’s widow, Helen, he made a risky attempt to find humour in the tragedy. “So they’re going to get millions of dollars but the woman, the wife, this beautiful woman, I handed her the cheque – we handed her the cheque – and she said, ‘This is so nice, and I appreciate it, but I’d much rather have my husband.’ Now, I know some of the women in this room wouldn’t say the same.”

As dinner guests erupted in laughter, Trump quipped: “I know at least four couples. There are four couples, Governor [Abbott], that I know and you’re not one of them. At least four couples here would have been thrilled, actually.”

The misery people face since he's been running for public office is a big fckn joke with this buffoon just as long as you support him and fill his coffers with cash.

Making jokes at the expense of the widow Comperatore is another low point for this treasonous convicted felon.

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