During a presser at Mar-A-Lago after playing a round of golf, Trump played the fool by claiming he had no idea Elon Musk would have a multitude of conflicts of interest with the federal government.
Sgt Schultz had nothing on Trump.
REPORTER: Mr. President, given your concerns about corruption, you said that if there were any conflicts of interest with Elon Musk, you wouldn't let him anywhere near it.
That's right.
REPORTER: Doge and SpaceX employees are now working directly at the Federal Aviation Administration and the Defense Department agencies that have billions of dollars in contracts with Musk's companies or that directly regulate his companies.
How is that not a conflict of interest?
Well, I mean, I'm just hearing about it.
And if there is, and he told me before I told him, but obviously, I will not let there be any conflict of interest.
He's done an amazing job.
They've revealed, in fact, he's going to be on tonight, a big show called Sean Hannity at nine o'clock. And he's on and I'm on and we talk about a lot of different things.
The reason Elon Musk forked over over $250 million to the Trump campaign was so that he could use the federal government as his plaything while skirting any scrutiny on his billions of dollars of government contracts.
Demented Donald knew all this long before now. The fact that he's standing there like a fucking idiot lying about it shows how complicit he is in turning over his presidency to the richest man in the world.
Here's the funny part of his response.
And any conflicts, I told Elon, any conflicts, you can't have anything to do with that. So anything to do with possibly even space, we won't let Elon partake in that.
Hahahahahahahaha. Sure, Donald. We believe you.