One of the funniest Twitter trends to watch these days is #IStandWithRush. Follow it and you'll quickly discover that wingnuts a) really don't know what "censorship" means; b) don't understand the concept of "free speech"; and c) have no idea what the First Amendment says.
In short, you'll see a lot of this.
All of this outrage over boycotts is truly rich coming from this constantly-agitated crowd that launches another ridiculous jihad practically every week. I mean, these are the same people that want you to stop buying your jeans at JCP because they're paying a chick who likes chicks to do their commercials.
And this tweet is especially rich coming from Malkin, who once mau-maued Dunkin' Donuts into pulling an ad because she oh-so-cleverly spotted pro-Islamic propaganda in Rachel Ray's wardrobe choices.
Let's all applaud Malkin for her brave stand against the tyranny of President Obama, who is using all of his substantial executive authority as president to do something to her free speech ... somehow.