December 11, 2008 C-SPAN
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, brings up the Marc Rich affair and says he wants Eric Holder to answer more questions about it before he'll allow his nomination as attorney general to advance:
The position of attorney general, although it's appointed by the president, is very different from all the rest of the appointments. Because he is all of us, every citizen in this country, the chief law-enforcement officer of this land. His loyalty is not to the president, his loyalty has to be to the Constitution. It has to be to the responsible bodies that guide this country.
And although if we in fact have hearings early, we will have to have additional hearings. We will not allow a vote to occur until we have thoroughly, to each member of the Judiciary Committee's satisfaction, have that examined the record, and had the questions answered that are going to need to be answered with regard to some of the events that have taken place late in the Clinton administration.
Gotta wonder if Democrats will remember crap like this when Republicans begin mewling about "bipartisanship" again -- that is, when it suits them.