See? They really do hate America.
In one of their first joint appearances as the new Fox wingnut tag-team event, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck sputter in outrage about William Ayers' interview on Good Morning America:
O'Reilly: So here's my question. I know I made a big deal out of it, I know you talked about it on your radio program, got a lot of calls on it, people were angry. But when I go out on the street and I say, "William Ayers, does that bother you?" Just as many Americans say, "No, I don't care." What is that mentality when they don't care about a guy like this? What does that tell you?
Beck: Cakes and circuses and too many dumb people. I mean, we should thin out the herd, you know what I mean?
Um -- I can't -- I can't get my arms around the country that can listen to that and say, 'Oh, well he's saying it's not violent.' And he's on GMA promoting a book about non-violent acts, and comparing what we're going through now with the Vietnam War. He is pushing a book that is not only promoting this 'non-violent act' [air quotes] of blowing things up if you disagree with the government, and on top of that, the man is a university professor, he is a teacher! He is organizing people and telling them what we should teach our kids!
This is a total outrage, Bill. There is a disconnect in America. We are at the place where the Constitution hangs in the balance, and I think we're at a crossroads here. We're still about here [points to spot on hand], where the roads are just starting to split, but pretty soon, this side and this side are not gonna understand each other at all, because we're living in different universes.
Yes, we are indeed, Glenn. And yours is known as Planet Bizarro:
At any rate, if this is the quality of discourse we're going to get from these two, I think I'll just go rent the DVD: