Everyone but Fox analysts pretty much celebrated yesterday's release of the two American women held hostage in North Korea, thanks to Bill Clinton's diplomatic efforts.
On Fox and elsewhere on the right, as Ben Armbruster at Think Progress observes, it's all a bunch of sour grapes, claiming that we gave Pyongyang a propaganda victory. All of which goes to prove the old adage that ideologues think ideas are more important than people.
The worst of the bunch, though, had to be that sewer-dwelling toe-sucking gnome, Dick Morris, on Fox and Friends this morning with Gretchen Carlson, during which he called Clinton's successful negotations "ridiculous":
Carlson: How are we supposed to get the girls home, though, Dick? And I only have 30 seconds. How are we supposed to get them home?
Morris: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they don't come home. Maybe they go to North Korea and live with the consequences of their decision to go there.
These people are really beyond redemption, aren't they?