December 27, 2009

Rep. Pete Hoekstra told Fox News' Chris Wallace Sunday that it is "fair" to hold the Obama administration responsible for the a failure to detect an attempted terror attack. Friday, Hoekstra told the Detroit Free Press that the Obama administration needed to "connect the dots."

"You were quoted in the Detroit Free Press this morning as saying that, you know, the key is to connect the dots and maybe the Obama administration will now realize that. Is it really fair to hold the Obama administration responsible here?" asked Wallace.

"Yeah, I think it really is," replied Hoekstra. "Connecting the dots here is not really on this particular case. It's connecting the dots that we've seen over the last 11 months, over the last eight years."

John Amato:

What depths will these conservative hacks sink to as they attack President Obama? For what I have no idea. Hoekstra hasn't even been briefed on the attacks, but he has his talking points ready. Does he also hold Bush and Cheney accountable for the 9/11 attacks, the anthrax attacks and the shoe bomber attack? That would have been a proper follow up question from Chris Wallace, but that would never happen. And since no one was hurt in the newest try unlike what happened under Bush, Hoekstra should be praising Obama.

Maybe Broder should come out and ask conservatives to show some sanity and act more moderate---for once or comment on the fact that Hoekstra is a 'world-class buffoon' as Steven Benen notes:

How such a world-class buffoon became the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee remains an open question, though it continues to be something of an embarrassment for the Republican caucus.

There are a couple of angles to this to keep in mind. First, Hoekstra would like people to believe the Obama administration isn't taking the terrorist threat seriously enough. The evidence to the contrary -- a.k.a. "reality" -- is overwhelming.

Second, when it comes to national security issues, Hoekstra has one of the more transparently ridiculous track records of any member of Congress in recent memory. We are, after all, talking about a partisan clown who held a press conference in 2006 to announce, "We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

And third, yesterday's pettiness probably has something to do with Hoekstra's gubernatorial campaign -- he needs to impress the GOP base to win his primary, and he likely assumes cheap shots at the president in light of attempted terrorism is the way to get a bump in the polls.

One can hope the opposite will occur. Even Republican primary voters should be disgusted by Hoekstra's shameless hackery on this.

Yemen just happens to be an area that the Obama administration is focused on in terms of sheltering terrorists.

Rep. Peter King is trying to top Hoekstra on the laugh-o-meter and practically committed treason by publicly exposing the information he received as soon as he was informed.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) was. And King — the ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee — wasted no time alerting the media to much of what he was told. King rushed to Fox and CNN last night to begin issuing blame against security officials who allowed the suspect to board. “His name was in a database indicating significant terrorist connections,” King said, adding, “I’m not trying to be a Monday morning quarterback here…but let’s see what was missed.”

And their buffoonery knows no bounds. King yesterday was complaining that President Obama didn't give a press conference and compared Friday's incident to George Bush not being bothered to hold a press conference after Hurricane Katrina hit that devastated New Orleans. My God!

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