August 4, 2013

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum says that he will be traveling to Iowa this week and is "open" to run for president in 2016.

During a Sunday panel discussion on NBC about a foreign policy debate within the Republican Party, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said he suspected that Santorum agreed with Gov. Chris Christie (R) and was more of a hawkish interventionist than Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

"Chris Christie's closer to me," Santorum interrupted.

"Exactly!" Scarborough laughed. "You're already prepping for 2016. I love it!"

NBC host David Gregory pointed out that Santorum was headed back to Iowa this week after winning the 2012 Republican presidential caucuses.

"Are you laying the groundwork now for 2016?" Gregory wondered.

"I'm open to looking at a presidential race in 2016," Santorum smiled. "But got a little ways, got elections in 2014 to focus on first."

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