Scholars & Rogues: What would a progressive society look like? The Tricentennial Manifesto Private Buffoon: "Helping" the GOP -- Their REAL agenda item for 112th Congress Kiko's House: Tea Partiers Eat Crow As GM Becomes The New Wall
November 20, 2010

Scholars & Rogues: What would a progressive society look like? The Tricentennial Manifesto

Private Buffoon: "Helping" the GOP -- Their REAL agenda item for 112th Congress

Kiko's House: Tea Partiers Eat Crow As GM Becomes The New Wall Street Darling. Kinda' makes ya' wonder -- will hypocritical freshman GOP Congressman who bitched for his health care also demand: 'Where's My Car!'

Balloon Juice: It’s Taibbi vs. 'Gergen’s World'

The Poor Man Institute: Michael Ledeen, another dumb and dangerous Neocon

Guest post by Don Davis of The Satirical Political Report. E-mail tips to Don at satiricalpolitical AT gmail DOT com.

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