Seems the issue of Healthcare was having its troubles on this day in 1994 too.
Faced with dwindling support in Congress and a reported drop in popularity in the Polls, President Clinton readied to take his Healthcare Plan message to a series of Town Hall meetings in the hopes of drumming up support. Further evidence this issue has a history and goes way-way back. Even further than 1994.
Elsewhere - the Teamsters were girding up for a possible walkout of nationwide Freight haulers. The only thing holding them back was a dwindling membership and a growing number of non-union companies affected by a walkout. Don't Ask-Don't Tell was under fire as a Judge ruled that 6 Gays kicked out of the service for violating the law couldn't be removed until the case was decided.
The Ukraine sent a 1,000 Peacekeeping troops to Bosnia. The first Palestinian exiles were allowed back into Gaza. Wall Street was heading up on optimistic news, or a "correction" as some called it.
The Arkansas Razorbacks won their first NCAA Championship, defeating Duke in a nail biter.
Darryl Strawberry heads off to rehab and a riot broke out at a Grateful Dead concert in Orlando, Florida.
All that and so much more from this April 5th in 1994, as reported on The CBS World News Roundup.