This was one of those days in history that probably looked better in hindsight than it did while it was going on. This broadcast from July 18, 1940 begins with Mrs. FDR arriving in Chicago to offer a keynote address at the Democratic convention where President Roosevelt is assured of running a 3rd term. Meanwhile, reaction in Japan wasn't very good, but they were in the midst of their own Political reorganization, as it was announced former University of Oregon graduate Yosuke Matsuoka was appointed to the role of Foreign Minister. Matsuoka had already won the reputation of being a hardliner and very much anti-Roosevelt - despite his fluent English with a western twang. The word of the day in Washington was Hard-Boiled.
Rome reported in that Adolf Hitler was to give an address shortly and that it was anticipated to include news of the impending invasion of Britain. Rome also gave scant attention to the 3rd nomination of FDR, instead choosing to lick its collective chops over the thought of Axis domination.
And the first broadcast from Vichy (or unoccupied) France gave maybe a little too much information as to where the heads of the Vichy Government were residing, as the broadcast was promptly cut off around the time newscaster Paul Auchinard was giving building location and floor they were currently on.
And such was this July day in 1940 as reported by the Red Network of NBC.
At least it wasn't packed with scandal.