Not a really good news day if you were fleeing Haiti as President Bush (Sr.) pledged to refuse granting asylum to the onslaught of Boat People heading to Florida. The United Nations proposed sanctions against Serbia in their escalating war in Bosnia. The term Ethnic Cleansing would enter our Lexicon of Horror shortly thereafter. Pro-Democracy demonstrators were arrested enmasse in Thailand after the ouster of Prime Minister Suchinda Kraprayoon in a military junta. One military junta ousts another military junta - a "meet the new boss" analogy lurks around there someplace.The Middle East was a "happening place" once again with bombings in Beirut and the Gaza Strip keeping everyone on their toes. And the 1992 Primary Season was roaring to a close with Bill Clinton looking like the lead with Ross Perot trailing and Gov. Jerry Brown coming in second or third, depending on which poll you read. And to top it all off, there were a number of arrests made at Weedstock, a celebration/rally in favor of legalizing Marijuana which came as no surprise to anybody. Except of course unless you were there - but then, how would you know?
All that and more on this particular May 25th, which happened to me Memorial Day in 1992 via the CBS World News Roundup.